October 25, 2011

Photography Masters Cup

I did include a few photos for this international competition, not having any huge hopes. It turned out that two of my photos (in the fashion category) were nominated, and one came in 3rd place "Honor of distinction"!
This was a big surprise for me, and I congratulate myself!
Here is "Escape" - the photo which came 3rd (and I must add, the level of photography in this competition is pretty good).

John Andre Aasen - www.phokus.no

HERE is the list for the fashion category
Official homepage for Photography Masters Cup HERE, from which you can also watch a replay of the "Nominations & Winners Photoshow" October 29th at 9 pm (Norwegian time).

October 9, 2011

City of Destruction

Isabella har jeg fotografert en del, men mest hennes varierte uttrykk...i det siste har hun blitt mindre glad i å la seg fotografere, så litt lokkemidler måtte til. Derimot hadde hun ingen betenkeligheter med å ha på seg gassmaske (i utgangspunktet for å være skummel).
Etter litt prøv og feil, landet jeg på et par bilder der lang lukkertid fikk frem den effekten jeg ønsket.

Noen ord fra Nathaniel Hawthorne:
Not a great while ago
 passing through the gate of dreams
I visited that region of the earth
in which lies the famous City of Destruction.