March 31, 2012

Making of "...come with me..."

I was playing around with screen recording last night (yes, night) and couldn't stop until I at least had made one video. Here is what I came up with, a high speed run through of the post-processing from one of my last jobs.

March 28, 2012

grace & blaze

I attended a trend show in Trondheim recently (by Wella), and had a chance to capture some of the models when they were finished on stage. The location was a hotel, and I knew there would be virtually no time for each model. Finally, I found a room (not the biggest I have been in) and set up my "microstudio" with three lights.
Afterwards, I realized I had to come up with something more interesting than the pure white/grey background and racked my brain to find some kind of theme for this. The header for these coming trends are "grace & blaze", so I thought why not experiment around those words...and this is what came to life (with some help from editing tools:-)).

turned into

turned into

More from this series at

Hair: Lene Larsgaard Bjørnland / Renate Robertsen
Make-up: Hege Regine Lunnan
Photo & retouch: John Andre Aasen //

March 19, 2012

Landskonkurranse 2012 - resultater

Resultatene fra Norges Fotografforbund sin landskonkurranse 2012 ble offentliggjort i går kveld, og jeg kom på 7. plass. Det var 211 deltakere i konkurransen, som tilsammen har levert 814 arbeider.
Mine bilder fikk følgende poeng:
"Escape" 84 p - BRONSE
"Butterfly" 75 p - H.O.
"Reunion" 73 p - H.O.
"Immature" 71 p - H.O.
Totalt 303 poeng
Bildene er vist i et tidligere innlegg, men her er en samling

March 14, 2012

Årets bilde Laugskonkurransen

Under premieutdeling forrige uke kom det frem at mitt bilde "Immature" karret til seg 92 poeng, og dermed en sølvmedalje og beste bilde 2011. Fornøyd med det selvsagt, og bare 1 poeng totalt skilte meg fra sammenlagtseier.